Jungle Trail / 32 km

As with all the other events, the 32km Angkor Jungle Trail will take place on the archaeological site of Angkor, in the northern Cambodian province of Siem Reap.

This 32 km trail will be run on a track, through rice fields and beautiful nature without forgetting the crossing of a multitude of small villages with the Angkor Temples in the background.

The departure will be in Phnom Bok and then reach the archaeological site of Angkor.  Banteay Samre, Eastern Mebon, Prae Roup, Prassat Kravan, Tanei, and French Bridge will mark your route.

You will live an extraordinary adventure that you will keep in your memory for a long time. The warm welcome of the local people will make you love Cambodia.

Don’t miss the privilege of treading on a UNESCO World Heritage Site

The soul of the Khmer kingdom, the temples of Angkor are a source of inspiration and national pride for Cambodians and their beauty has always fascinated world travelers. 

Jungle Trail Angkor – 32 km 

VISIT TRACE DE TRAIL, a UTA partner, for full details and TRACE GPX: https://tracedetrail.fr/fr/event/ultra-trail-d-angkor-2025

Refueling every 5 km