Help Cambodia
Angkor Ultra Trail, is a race that supports 3 NGO’s, is a non-profit event, all benefits will be distributed to this 3 organizations (Sala Bai, ABCs and rice and Care for Cambodia).
We would like to present you them :
Launched in 2002, Sala Baï Hotel and Restaurant school is a program created by the French NGO Agir Pour le Cambodge (APLC), to fight poverty and human trafficking through social and professional training of young underprivileged Cambodians.
To have a meal or to stay at Sala Baï is to give another dimension to your trip to Cambodia. You’ll be actively participating in the vocational training of young disadvantaged Cambodians by allowing them to practice their newly acquired skills in real conditions while financing their training.
– ABCs and Rice is also fighting for Cambodian children’s education, but nutrition is another priority for ABCs and Rice. They strive to provide nutritional value to all 270 of their students in the form of breakfast and lunch every day as well as a bag rice each month, based on their attendance.
Care for Cambodia seeks to foster development of local communities. We support and help Cambodian people in different ways : supporting and training families, by giving young people access to education and enabling youth to access the skills required to build their futures.